Lupini Olive Tapenade
This briny tapenade combines olives and capers, as is traditional, with lupini beans for a little extra protein and nutritional diversity. Feel free to add some fresh herbs for additional flavor, or swap out a few olives for brined jalapeño slices for a spicy punch. Enjoy as a sandwich or cracker spread, or with fresh veggies. On cucumber slices or stuffed in celery are good options.
Yield: 8 servings of roughly 2 tablespoons (30g) each, totaling roughly 1 cup (240g)
Macros (per serving): 60 calories | 2g protein | 5g fat | 1.5g net carbs ✎
Prep: 15 minutes
Storage: refrigerated for up to a week.✎
Macros (per serving): 60 calories | 2g protein | 5g fat | 1.5g net carbs ✎
Prep: 15 minutes
Storage: refrigerated for up to a week.✎
- ⅔ cup (90g) pitted olives ✎
- ½ cup (90g) drained brined lupini beans ✎
- 1 tablespoon (12g) capers
- 2 tablespoons (30ml) olive oil
- 1 tablespoon (15ml) lemon juice
- 2 cloves (6g) garlic, chopped or crushed (equals 1 teaspoon)
- 1 sheet nori, cut small (I use sissors for this) (optional) ✎
- Put all ingredients in a small food professor and blend until a rough paste-like texture, or texture of preference. Lupini beans are quite hard and fibrous, so you won't acheive a smooth velvelty paste.
- Enjoy spread on low-carb bread, crackers, or veggies.
- Net carbs and protein will vary depending on lupini beans used, see bullet point about lupini beans below.
- I have kept this much longer than a week, so feel free to do so at your discretion. I'm airing on the side of caution here.
- I typically use a 50/50 split of Spanish green and black Kalamata olives. I prefer the flavor of black olives, and green olives are lower in net carbs.
- I'm not peeling my lupini beans, but you can peel them if you prefer. This might make for a smoother textured tapenade. The nutritional information for lupini beans varies significanly by source and there is no national nutritional data for brined lupini beans. I've calcuated the macros with Cento lupini beans because they are a middle-ground option. However, the carbs would be halved if using Unico (Canada), Brami (USA), or Saladitos (EU) lupini beans.
- Tapenade often contains anchovies and so the nori adds a slight fishiness, it also adds a bit of iodine to the micronutrient profile. However, if fishiness isn't your thing, it can be left out.
- Macros for this recipes are calculated with American national nutritional data (i.e. NCCDB & USDA entries in Cronometer) for all ingredients apart from the lupini beans (Cento).
- Macro numbers are rounded. Numbers equal to or greater than 10g are rounded to the nearest whole number (e.g. 10g, 11g, 12g, etc.) and numbers below 10g are rounded to the nearest 0.5g (0.5g, 1g, 1.5g ... 9g, 9.5g). Any numbers below 0.5g are given as is (e.g. 0.1g, 0.2g, etc.). Calories are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5.